
William Desy, Investigative Consultant
General Investigative Services
CLIENT INFORMATION: Name: ______________________________________DOB_____________SSN____________________________
Physical Address:_______________________________________________ City/state/zip_____________________________________
Phone (H)________________(W)________________ Agreement dated as of _____________ between ___________________________________(hereinafter
referred to as "CLIENT") and William Desy, Investigative Consultant, (hereinafter referred to as "AGENCY") 1. AGENCY shall
provide CLIENT with investigative services which may result in: written reports, recorded statements, documents, photographic,
video, audio, and related materials, as set forth by the terms and conditions below. CLIENT agrees that all reports will be
submitted and received subject to the conditions of this Agreement. 2. Reports can be delivered via US Mail, faxed upon
consent from CLIENT, hand delivered or delivered telephonically. CLIENT hereby requests a copy of a written report, ______
YES, _____ NO. 3. CLIENT agrees to pay AGENCY for all services rendered regardless of the outcome of said services. Payments
in full are due to AGENCY by way of agreed retainer outlined in this paragraph before AGENCY shall commence any work on behalf
of CLIENT unless otherwise agreed between the parties of this agreement. Unless otherwise agreed, CLIENT agrees to pay AGENCY
for all work undertaken or to be undertaken at the rate of $125.00 per hour billed at quarter hour increments plus all associated
expenses with the understanding that CLIENT shall pay a retainer in this instance of $___________ against costs. It is agreed
that any and all court appearances pertaining to this case are billed at the rate of $125.00 per hour plus associated expenses.
4. AGENCY will keep and maintain all reports strictly confidential. Except where required by law, no information
from reports will be revealed to the person reported on or to any other person unless CLIENT gives express consent. 5.
In the process of obtaining requested information, AGENCY will comply with all provisions of Federal, State, and Local laws
and regulations pertaining to the use of criminal conviction histories and/or bank account or confidential financial information
and adhere to all current privacy rules and regulations. AGENCY assumes that all information provided to CLIENT will be used
for lawful purposes only and CLIENT acknowledges that it has represented such to AGENCY. 6. AGENCY will endeavor to provide
complete and accurate reports pursuant to this agreement. Nevertheless, CLIENT acknowledges that the information contained
in such reports is obtained from sources including, but not limited to: public records, nonproprietary services and through
observation or perception, which may require the exercise of judgment of interpretation. CLIENT further releases AGENCY, its
officers, employees, and affiliated companies and any companies or individual from which AGENCY obtains information included
in a report, from any liability arising or alleged to arise directly or indirectly from any negligent acts, errors, or omissions
by any of the providers of information or AGENCY, in connection with the preparation of any reports, written or verbal. 7.
Name similarities may be included in the report due to lack of sufficient information to verify that the individual or entity
is the subject of research. It is agreed that CLIENT will furnish AGENCY with true and accurate information to the best of
CLIENTS knowledge and ability at the time of this agreement. AGENCY reserves the right to decline, or withdraw from, any assignment
that might give rise to a conflict without explanation. CLIENT understands that knowingly supplying false, misleading or incomplete
statements or information to AGENCY relating to said assignment will result in immediate termination of said assignment and
forfeiture of all retainers and money paid to AGENCY. AGENCY does not draw conclusions, makes representations, nor expresses
any opinions regarding the information contained in the report. 8. By requesting and receiving reports, the CLIENT agrees
to indemnify and hold harmless AGENCY, its officers, and employees from any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, fees including
attorney fees, costs, and judgments arising from CLIENTS use or possession of the information furnished in said reports. 9.
CLIENT agrees that AGENCY is engaged solely by yourself or your company, regardless of your client's ability and/or willingness
to pay and further agree that if any monthly invoice is not paid by you or your company within thirty days after it is rendered,
it will be subject to a service charge at the rate of 1.5 % per month and you will be responsible for any reasonable expenses
associated with collections including, but not limited to: our time at our standard hourly rate and all attorney fees related
to collection of any past due amounts from CLIENT. In witness whereof the parties by their duly authorized representatives
have signed this Agreement as of the above date.
____________________________________________________ DATE__________ Signature
FAX to: William Desy, Investigative Consultant, 619-923-9500
Mail Only: 9625 Mission Gorge Road, #B2-340, Santee, CA 92071

